About Masters Hockey

Masters hockey is strongly contested in the Canberra Region. To participate in the local competition, players must be 35 years of age and must be registered to play in the ACT Masters Hockey competition.

Monday Hockey: played on Monday evening/night, throughout the year, underpins the local masters hockey competition. Some 20 teams usually participate, including teams from Goulburn and Crookwell.  These Monday games are played at The Lyneham Hockey Centre, at Tuggeranong and in Goulburn. The competition has players from 35 through to over 70, both men and women, and of of different skill and fitness levels. Everyone is encouraged to participate fully, respecting other players and on-field officials, for the enjoyment of the sport.

Regional level: Hockey NSW conducts age-based tournaments, which form the basis of their NSW State team selections, in Sydney and regional NSW. Players from the ACT participate in these tournaments (the NSW titles) usually allied with our regional players (Goulburn; Crookwell; etc).

National level:  Each year, at the National level, ACT fields age-based teams which compete against teams representing the other states. Because of our regional allegiances, these teams usually comprise a healthy mix of ACT, regional and state players. These tournaments are very keenly contested, representing an excellent level of skill and competition, thus providing the incentive for individual players to remain competitive throughout extended hockey playing careers.

Beyond the National level, ACT and regional players are also very well represented among the Australian selections, seeing them play in tournaments against other National sides.

Masters Hockey also encourages anybody with an interest in hockey to stay involved, as a player, administrator, umpire or spectator. Please contact one of the club managers if you would like to join us.