Attention Team Coordinators – Yes! Ready to Start, Monday July 6th Firstly, thank you for all your efforts to keep Masters hockey going for our members in 2020. Without you, what is a difficult task would be near impossible. So of course I am going to ask more of you, yet again.
The following requirements will need to be followed every Monday night for the foreseeable future. It is a pain, but compliance is a condition of playing. I would hate Masters Hockey to be the cause of a lockdown of all Hockey and other community sport in the ACT.
We will comply with all the requirements of Hockey ACT’s Return to Training Guidelines (, until revised Return to Play guidelines are available.
Hopefully we have made the process as easy as is possible for our team coordinators and players. In essence, to ensure we have data to conduct contact tracing we need players registered and an accurate list of all those who participate in games including players, umpires, managers and coaches.
Requirement 1: Ensure all players are registered
Players will need to be registered using the Hockey ACT system, RevSport. Players will be required to pay the Hockey Australia Levy (around $45) and the annual Masters Membership ($20). Please direct new members to
Our Registrar, John Michael (or Bunji as we know him ) is available to assist people trying to register.
NOTE players who have participated in the 2020 competition should be registered and will need nothing further to resume playing. That said, managers should not assume people are registered.
Requirement 2: Lodge an approved team list (see attached form) {Teams List Form}
Each team is required to lodge a list of players who are eligible and intend to play in that team. The list needs to include Name and Registration number (revsport). The list must be submitted to the Registrar, ACT Masters Hockey ( ) by close of business, Friday 3 July.
Requirement 3: Game night: Complete and lodge team list with the night’s players noted
On each game night, a team list noting the players who take the field will need to be lodged with the ACT Master’s Covid Coordinator. The draw will nominate a member of ACT Masters Executive at each centre who will collect the hard copy forms. It is important that the list is an accurate reflection of who is on the field. You must include any fill-ins that are registered.
No unregistered player is permitted to take the field. {Registration 2020}
Requirement 4: Game night
The direction is – get in, get out. Assembly points for each field have been set up by Hockey ACT at the Tuggeranong and Lyneham centres. Teams should gather in these areas, prepare for play and enter the field once the field has cleared of players where there has been a previous game or training. Once your game is finished, please leave the ground and return to the designated assembly area. Even players who intend playing a second game should leave the field, as Hockey ACT ground managers will not allow teams to enter the playing surface until it is cleared.
From Monday 13 July the bar at Lyneham will be operating under strict Covid19 conditions. Players must follow instructions from the bar staff.
Requirement 5: Keep the approved team list up to date
As new players are recruited and registered they need to be added to your approved team list. If your list is updated, please send it off to Bunji again.
Requirement 6: Be responsible for yourself
If players feel unwell they should NOT attend games.
Again, thank you for your efforts. I am happy to discuss any concerns you might have, either by email or call 0414 586 6564.
ACT Hockey – Return to Play Guidelines
Leo Clarke
ACT Masters Hockey