Registration & Membership 2025

REGISTRATION IS VITAL to ensure you have insurance cover on the field. Additionally, only registered players are permitted to take the field in our competitions. ACT Masters Hockey’s membership fee remains the LOWEST in Australia.

Membership and Renewal for 2025 is now due. While players not previously registered with Hockey ACT will be required to provide full information, those with an existing record will simply need to update and confirm their details.

In order to play Masters Hockey you need to complete two steps of registration: Joining ACT Masters Hockey Association Inc, and joining Hockey ACT and paying the Hockey Australia levy. Both are completed from the one web page which is linked at the bottom of this page.

ACT Masters Hockey Membership for the 2025 Calendar Year.  The fee for this membership is $24.08, $22 membership and $2.08 as a revSPORT merchant fee. Those completing their 2025 Hockey ACT Registration will be asked to pay the Masters membership at the same time.

2025 Hockey ACT Registration Registration can only be completed by paying the Hockey Australia Levy when you register. This levy is a once only annual fee of $68.79* and covers your participation in all forms of the sport in 2025 (including club hockey, state and national championships and indoor). ACT players who pay the Levy as part of another club registration will NOT be charged a second time. Those who pay in another state, or non-playing members, will not be charged the levy based on the type of membership they select.

Registration Portal  >>>     Membership_&_Registration_2025